Are you Registered to vote?
An individual may register to vote in Illinois if they will be 18 years or older on the next election day, reside in the jurisdiction for 30 days prior to the election, and are a U.S. citizen.

Register to Vote
Voting is one of the most powerful rights and responsibilities you have as a U.S. citizen. In order to make your voice heard, you must be a registered voter. Registering to vote is the most important first step to voting in an election. It’s simple to get started.

Get Your Absentee Ballot
Can't make it to the polls on Election Day? You can still make your voice heard. Absentee voting is conducted by mail-in ballot before Election Day. If you meet all of the required criteria, you can have the State of Illinois mail you a ballot. Once you fill out your ballot, you may return it in person or by mail.

Voting and Elections: Overview
Information about national, state, and local elections in the United States, including voter registration and identification requirements, voting rights, polling places, and other resources.