Searching for Books

Search the Library Catalog or the E-book Search on the library web site ( to identify books and e-books in the WCC Libraries. 

Steps for finding books using the library catalog - for print books in the campus libraries:

  1. Keep your search simple. Enter basic terms for your topic. (example: energy drinks)
  2. Evaluate your results list. Examine the titles of the books listed on the first page of your results. Try different search terms if you want different or additional results. (example: student loans vs. college costs) Please contact a librarian if you would like some help with your search.
  3. Click on the title of an item in the list to display more detailed information, sometimes including a summary and chapter titles.
  4. If it is a print book, note at which campus it is located and copy the entire call number or use the "Text This to Me" tool. You can use the "Place Hold" tool to request that the book be held for you or delivered to a specific campus. 

Steps for finding E-books

  1. Use the Waubonsee Library E-book Search.
  2. Keep your search simple. Enter basic terms for your topic. (example: energy drinks)
  3. Click on the pdf icon or the the red "get full text" button to see the ebook. 

Finding More Books

Use Worldcat to search for books in other libraries worldwide. Submit Interlibrary Loan requests directly through Worldcat. If you need assistance, please contact us for help.