Giving that knowledge to others that can further their career and their life—I love that about this job. It's so much fun. I love it because the students will connect with you and you can teach them things.
How did you become interested in Automotive Technology?
It was actually my dad who inspired me to be in Automotive Tech. And then he did push me to be a teacher as well. And he started with me holding a flashlight. And we progressed to doing suspension work and brake work on all of our cars. And then in high school, I just knew this was where I wanted to go.
What advice do you have for women entering the automotive field??
Don't let the boys push you around. That's number one. You can do it. Just because it's male-dominated doesn't mean females don't belong. So just learn all that you can learn. Never stop learning because technology changes. That's automotive. That's technology. So keep learning, keep pushing your way through. It will only make you stronger. And you can do it–I did it!
How would you describe your teaching style and what can students expect in class with you?
I always start is a little bit of theory. We have some lecture in the classroom. And then I take the students down to the shop, and we do a demo. I have live vehicles for them to work on. So this way, they get the hands-on experience, and that's the main objective. The live work is what I really stress so they get that real-world experience.
What should students know about studying Auto Tech at Waubonsee?
The thing that really does set us apart is we get the students to be hands-on with the vehicles. They get that real-world experience. We bring in staff members' and students' cars, and they get to experience the actual problems that come along in the field on a daily or a weekly basis. So I feel like that's what makes us stand out as a college.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I still wrench, whether it's on family or friends' cars. So I do that basically every weekend. I fix cars. I just put a wiring harness on a 2020 Jeep Cherokee for my cousin because there was some damage done to it. I do whatever my family or friends need. And then I also work on motorcycles and boats in my free time because I grew up with those two as well. So I do the marine automotive and the motorcycles too.