Degrees & Certificates

Early Childhood Education

Associate in Applied Science (AAS)

Child Care Worker

Certificate of Achievement

Director Level 1

Certificate of Achievement

Early Childhood Education Level 2

Certificate of Achievement

Early Childhood Education Level 3

Certificate of Achievement

ESL and Bilingual Credential-Level 2

Certificate of Achievement

ESL and Bilingual Credential-Level 3

Certificate of Achievement

Infant and Toddler Level 2

Certificate of Achievement

Infant and Toddler Level 3

Certificate of Achievement


The academic development of children is a rewarding profession, and the demand for well-qualified teachers in public and private schools continues to grow.

Whether you are already working in the field or just starting out, Waubonsee’s Early Childhood Education courses will help you make a difference in the lives of children and encourage their growth and development. 

Scholarship Opportunity

Are you working or have you ever worked in early childhood education? Are you interested in getting additional educational credentials or an undergraduate degree in early childhood education? Apply now for an Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship!


Learn more Apply Now Aplique Ahora


The ISAC ECACE Scholarship application for 2024-25 is opening soon. 
Waubonsee wants to make sure you have the support you need to achieve your academic goals. Schedule a college funding appointment.

Studying Early Childhood Education at Waubonsee

Our professors have strong, real-world experience in early childhood education and teach classes that explore a variety of approaches and techniques to help you develop your personal teaching style.

ECE programs at Waubonsee have been approved by the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to offer the following credentials as part of the “Gateways to Opportunity: Illinois Professional Development System:”

  • Early Childhood Education (ECE) Credential Levels 2, 3 and 4
  • ESL/Bilingual Credential Levels Levels 2, 3 and 4
  • Infant and Toddler Credential Levels 2, 3 and 4
  • Illinois Director Credential Level I

Waubonsee Alum Story

Katie Contreras-Flores

What helped me reach this point in my career was the constant encouragement, the constant feedback and the direction that I received from my teachers at Waubonsee.

Katie's Story

Career Program Outcomes

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See what you'll be able to do once you complete one of our career-focused AAS degree or certificate programs.

Costs and Payments


Learn how affordable your dreams can be at Waubonsee.


Meet Your Faculty


View a listing of faculty members in this program.

Working in Early Childhood Education

Whether you prefer teaching or administration — Waubonsee’s Early Childhood Education curriculum prepares you for both.

Career Prospects

Interested in a career in Early Childhood Education? Learn more about our region’s employment outlook and career opportunities you can pursue in this field of study.



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Annual Earnings

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Employment Projections


Gainful Employment

View information on costs, financing options and program length in weeks for our Child Care Worker, ECE Credential Level 2, and Infant and Toddler Credential Level 2 Certificates.

Student Achievement Data

View retention and completion data on students in this program.

