Needs-Based Technology Loans

Laptops and Wi-Fi Hotspots

Our Needs-Based Technology Checkout Program provides students with access to laptops, hotspots, and other essential technology to support academic success. This program is designed to assist students who may not have reliable access to personal technology or internet service at home.

Due to the limited availability of devices, we ask that students click the link below and complete the application. We encourage you to answer honestly, as your responses will help us better understand your needs and provide the necessary support. Your application will be reviewed, and we will notify you if you are selected to receive equipment. If you have any questions or need assistance with your application, please contact the Waubonsee Libraries at (630) 466-2400.

Click the link below to submit your application via Self Service. If prompted to log in, use your x-number and mywcc password.

Apply Here

Device Loan Agreement (Acuerdo de préstamo de dispositivo)

Short-term Technology Loans

Laptops (In-Library Use Only)

Forgot your laptop at home or need a laptop to take a test? Borrow a laptop equipped with Windows 10, Microsoft Office 365, and Lockdown Browser for up to 2 hours.

Graphing Calculators

Taking a math class? We have graphing calculators (Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE with Python) available for a 21-day loan period (renewable twice in person).

Borrow these items at the circulation desk in Todd Library, Aurora Downtown Library, or Aurora Fox Valley Library.

For more technology and non-technology items, please check our Library of Things collection.