
Kick-start your career with an internship

A recent study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that about 70% of interns receive a job offer after completing an internship.

Internships offer valuable resume-building experiences while potentially earning college credit at the same time. Please check with your Academic Advisor to confirm if college credit will apply to your program of study.

Whether your internship experience takes place on or off campus, the skills you acquire will help prepare you for your future career.

Internships are available to Waubonsee students in general studies and other specializations:

  • Accounting*
  • Art
  • Auto Body Repair*
  • Automation Technology
  • Automotive Technology
  • Business Administration
  • Computer Aided Drafting & Design
  • Computer Information Systems
  • Early Childhood Education Administration*
  • English
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Graphic Design
  • HVAC
  • Industrial Technology
  • Machine Tool Technology
  • Mass Communication
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Welding
  • World Wide Web    
  • And more

Tuition rates apply. Contact your Academic Advisor to learn more about earning credit for an internship. Eligibility requirements include completing all prerequisite courses and obtaining consent from a faculty supervisor.

Internship course numbers are ITS 297, ITS 298, ITS 299. You will need a Course Registration Number (CRN) from the corresponding Dean’s office in order to register. See directions under "Submit the Paperwork" or contact the Sr. Work-Based Learning Coordinator.

*Accounting, Auto Body Repair and Early Childhood Education Administration have department specific internship course numbers.
Auto Body Repair: ABR 297, ABR 298, ABR 299
Accounting: ACC 297, ACC 298, ACC 299
Early Childhood Education Administration: ECE 299

Find an Internship

Information Symbol

Find an internship using the following resources or by talking to faculty and others in your field of interest

Submit the Paperwork

Placement Pencil

Interested in earning college credit for an internship? Get all the detailed information you need to receive college credit for an internship in the Internship Site and Learning Agreement. Please note not all programs of study allow college credit for internships. Speak with your Academic Advisor to confirm that you can earn credit in your program. Micro-internships are not available for credit in any program.

    For Employers

    Internship computer

    If you're looking to offer internships to Waubonsee students, check out our information for employers and contact the Sr. Work-Based Learning Coordinator.


    For résumé, interview, or job search support contact

    Phone Handset Icon

    Career Development
    Sugar Grove Campus,
    Student Center, Room 262
    (630) 466-2368
    Fax: (630) 966-4838

    For internship questions contact

    Hand Icon

    The Sr. Work-Based Learning Coordinator
    Sugar Grove Campus, Akerlow 253 or 230
    (331) 257-6596