Major Code

The following sections list program requirements to achieve an Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) transfer degree with an emphasis in music performance at Waubonsee. This degree is designed to provide students a smooth transition to a four-year baccalaureate music degree program. Music majors may be required to demonstrate skill level through audition and placement testing at the transfer institution.

I. College Requirements

A. Semester Hours
A total of 63 semester hours as specified in the following sections.

B. Grade Points
A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C average) in all coursework taken and in good standing.

C. Credit Hour Residency
Meet the college’s credit hour residency requirement: a minimum of 15 credit hours in 100 and 200 level courses applied toward a degree must be completed at Waubonsee. Transfer credit and credit for prior learning assessment do not apply to the credit hour residency requirement.

II. General Education Requirements
Since completion of the Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) degree does not fulfill the requirements of the Illinois General Education Core Curriculum, students must complete the general education requirements of the institution to which they transfer. (Courses are 3 sem hrs unless indicated.)
Associate in Fine Arts (AFA)


A. Communications (AFA)


Communications: COM 100
English: ENG 101* and 102*

B. Social and Behavioral Sciences (AFA)
Select course from the following list. Courses in bold identify Non-Western and Diversity options: N indicates non-Western; D indicates diversity.


Anthropology: ANT 101 (N), 102, 110
Economics: ECN 100, 201, 202
Geography: GEO 120 (N), 220 (N), 235 (N)
History**: HIS 101 (N), 102 (N), 121, 122, 205 (N), 215 (N), 225 (N), 235 (N)
Political Science: PSC 100, 220, 240, 260
Psychology: PSY 100, 205, 215, 220, 226, 235
Sociology: SOC 100, 120 (D), 130, 210, 230 (D)

C. Physical and Life Sciences (AFA)
Select at least one course from Physical Sciences and one course from Life Sciences. Select at least one lab course. (L indicates a lab course.)


Physical Sciences
Astronomy: AST 100, 105 (4-L)
Chemistry: CHM 100, 101 (1-L), 102, 103 (1-L), 121 (4-L)
Earth Science: ESC 100, 101 (1-L),110,120 (4-L), 125, 130
Geography: GEO 121 (4-L)
Geology: GLG 100, 101 (1-L), 102 (4-L), 103, 120
Physics: PHY 103, 104 (1-L), 111 (4-L), 221 (5-L)

Life Sciences
Biology: BIO 100, 101 (1-L), 102, 103 (1-L), 110, 111 (1-L), 120 (4-L), 122 (4-L)

D. Mathematics (AFA)


Mathematics: MTH 101, 102, 107, 131 (4), 132 (4), 202, 210, 211 (4), 233 (4)

E. Humanities (AFA)
Select two courses from the following list. Courses in bold identify Non-Western and Diversity options: N indicates non-Western; D indicates diversity


English: ENG 211, 212, 215, 220 (D), 221, 222, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 235, 240, 245, 255 (D), 265 (D)
Film Studies: FLM 270
French: FRE 202
German: GER 202
History**: HIS 111, 112, 125
Humanities: HUM 101, 102 (N), 112, 201, 202
Philosophy: PHL 100, 101, 105, 110, 120 (N), 201, 202
Religious Studies: RLG 120 (N)
Spanish: SPN 202, 205, 215

III. Additional College Requirements

A. Non-Western and Diversity
One course satisfying degree requirements must have a Non-Western or Diversity emphasis. These courses are highlighted in bold in General Education Requirements Social and Behavioral Sciences (item II.B.) and Humanities (item II.E.). This is not an additional credit hour requirement.

IV. Area of Concentration/Elective Requirements (AFA)


Required core music courses


MUS 121 (4), 123, 124 (1), 200, 221, 222 (1), 223, 224 (1);
4 semester hours from the following based on proficiency: MUS 151 (2), 251 (2), 252 (2)

Elective music courses
Select 8 semester hours from the applied music courses and 4 semester hours from the performing ensemble courses.


Applied Music Electives: MUS 280 (2), 281 (2), 282 (2), 283 (2), 284 (2), 285 (2), 287 (2), 288 (2)
Performing Ensemble Electives: MUS 160 (1),161 (1), 164 (1), 166 (1),170 (1), 171 (1), 176 (1)

Program Total