Procedure for Entering the Nursing Program

Students New to Waubonsee:

  • Complete the online New Student Application for Admissions. Confirm status as Degree Seeking student for Nursing Program.

Continuing Students:

  • Confirm Registration and Records has current primary living address. Confirm status as Degree Seeking student for Nursing Program.

All Students:

  • Meet with Academic and Career Advising to establish a schedule for completing prerequisite courses (27 credits).
    • All prerequisites or equivalencies must be completed with a C or better to be considered for acceptance into the program. A cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher, specific to the required prerequisites, must be documented:
      • BIO250 Microbiology
      • BIO270 Anatomy and Physiology I
      • BIO272 Anatomy and Physiology II
      • COM100 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
      • ENG101 First-Year Composition I
      • ENG102 First-Year Composition II
      • PSY100 Introduction to Psychology
      • PSY205 Life-Span Psychology
  • Students who have completed prerequisites or equivalent courses at previous colleges or universities should arrange to have official transcripts sent to Registration and Records to be evaluated for transfer credit before applying for the program. Course syllabi may be requested for the evaluation of Nursing courses taken at other institutions.
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) may be eligible for advanced placement into the program, as well as students transferring from another nursing program. Current credentials and course syllabi must be received with a complete program application.
  • Review the current guidelines and information for the required ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test. Set up a schedule for preparation and testing based on your preferred enrollment deadline. TEAS testing MUST be complete at the time of application deadline.
    • Acceptance into the program is based on assessment results of at least 58% in each category: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language. A minimum composite score of 58% for the ATI TEAS is also required.
    • The TEAS exam may be taken a maximum of three (3) times in a calendar year (January 1-December 31) with a minimum of 4 week waiting period between attempts. This maximum is applicable regardless of where the exam was taken. (In-person at Waubonsee Community College or at another institution.)
    • Official transcripts from ATI are required if the test is taken at another institution. Allow 3-5 business days for transcripts to be received.
    • Schedule an in-person TEAS exam.
    • Scores from remote exams dated after September 1, 2023, will not be accepted. As of January 1, 2024, TEAS exams must be taken in person at a Waubonsee campus. Scores from remote exams or other institutions will not be accepted.
    • TEAS exam scores are valid for 2 years.
    • Contact Assessment and Testing Services with questions.
  • Read the Nursing Application Packet (PDF) and submit your Nursing (AAS) Program Application online.

Important Application FAQs:

  • Deadlines occur on a rolling basis and will be updated annually. Students can mark preference for application to be rolled into the next cycle, should the current cycle become full.
  • Students who have successfully completed ALL prerequisites PRIOR to the application deadline: program applications received with completed prerequisites and successful TEAS scores will be reviewed for early admission to the relevant start date. Application review begins after the deadline passes. Notifications of acceptance status will be emailed (to email noted on application or from which the application was sent) within two weeks.
  • Students who are in the final semester of prerequisite(s) at the deadline and want to be considered for the relevant start date: successful initial TEAS scores must be received with a program application by the deadline. Courses mid-completion must be noted and students must be in good standing. Applications will be held until semester grades are posted, then reviewed in full. Acceptance will depend on final grades and seat availability after early admission. Notifications of acceptance status will be emailed within one week of final grades posting. In submitting an application while still completing prerequisites, students acknowledge understanding that acceptance is dependent on seat availability and evaluation based on final grades and TEAS scores.
  • Successful completion of prerequisites: grades of C or better are posted and available to review and/or transfer credits are fully processed and approved. ALL prerequisites must be successfully completed to be admitted.
  • Successful TEAS scores: meeting the minimum required scores of 58% in each category and 58% cumulative per stated guidelines.


Application and TEAS Test Deadlines

Start Date Application Window Opens Application Window Closes TEAS Deadline 
August, 2025  March 1, 2025 July 1, 2025 June 25, 2025
January, 2026 September 1, 2025 November 1, 2025 October 30, 2025

Completed applications are processed in the order they are received. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline or if the program is full, whichever comes first. 

Official notification of acceptance into the program will be sent to Waubonsee student emails 1-2 weeks after the application deadline.
If students do not yet have a Waubonsee email, acceptance notification will be sent to personal email address.

Students must confirm or decline acceptance offer in writing via email.
Students not accepted or who do not meet ALL application criteria must reapply.

NOTE: In-district students will receive priority among applications. District status will be evaluated based on current living address receive on the New Student Application, or the current address in student record for continuing students. Addresses will be verified on Nursing Application. Residency documents ARE NOT required.
Having paid in-district tuition rates in the past does not necessarily qualify an individual as an in-district resident.

Are you a veteran or military service member that has current eligibility for either federal VA Education benefits for Illinois military grants?
Federal VA Education programs include: Chapter 30, 31, 33, 1606 and REAP. State grants are the Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG) or Illinois National Guard (ING). If "yes," please attach a copy of your benefits Certificate of Eligibility to your application. Our office will confirm your benefit eligibility by contacting the Waubonsee Financial Aid Offices' VA School Certifying Official.

Completing the Nursing Program

Once accepted into the program, the student must:

  • Attend the mandatory Nursing Program New Student Orientation.
  • Maintain grades, attendance, and clinical performance as stated in the Nursing Student Handbook and course syllabi.
  • Submit mandatory medical requirements prior to the start of the term:
    • IDPH Fingerprint-Background Check
    • Documentation of immunizations (including COVID-19, Influenza, HEP-B).                                                                                NOTE: COVID-19 vaccination is strongly encouraged by our clinical partners.
    • Titers for MMR, Varicella, and Hep B
    • QuantiFERON TB Gold blood test
    • Drug screen
    • Current health insurance
    • Medical Clearance signed by physician
    • Current American Heart Association (AHA) for Healthcare Provider

Detailed information about these and other requirements will be provided via email after students confirm acceptance into the program.

Program Costs

In addition to tuition and regular fees, the registered nursing student has the following minimum fees and expenses.

ATI $3,800
Textbooks for NUR courses
(does NOT include general education courses
BLS Certification $125
Uniform/shoes $125
Nursing supplies (e.g. watch, stethoscope) $175
NCLEX-RN licensure exam fee $500
State of IL criminal background check fee $50
Physical exam, immunizations, TB testing per health care provider
Total Estimated Costs
(excluding medical requirements)

In addition, students are responsible for personal transportation to required clinical experiences. Note: These fees and expenses are approximate costs and are subject to change without prior notice to the student.

Recommendation for Learning and Enhancement

Applicants who lack basic, beginning keyboarding and Windows navigation skills are encouraged to take an introductory computer course before starting the nursing course sequence.

Contacts and Questions

Information Symbol

General questions not addressed here or by an advisor can be directed to the Office of Health Professions and Public Service via:

Course specific questions or questions related program acceptance should be directed to:

Dr. Mary Beth Hutches, Director of Nursing at (630) 870-3903 or