Offer your students opportunities to get ahead
Dual credit can be of great benefit to your high school students. Not only do dual credit classes help students transition to college-level coursework, but it also saves families money, gives students a jump start on college, and introduces new and challenging subjects to keep students engaged in learning. Waubonsee Community College offers more than 200 dual credit classes to students across numerous area schools.
IAI Transferable Dual Credit Courses
The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) aligns general education core curriculum guidelines throughout the state. Students who earn a grade of C or better in an IAI transferable dual credit course will have a transcript that has the highest level of transferability to other four-year institutions in the State of Illinois.
Each course must align with Waubonsee's curriculum and use a predetermined textbook chosen by the college.
High schools may provide an in-house instructor to teach a course as long as the instructor meets the same qualifications as an adjunct faculty member on Waubonsee's campus. For most transfer-level courses, potential instructors must possess a master's degree in the field of study or a master's degree in a related field, such as education, plus 18 hours of graduate coursework in the field of study. Dual credit classes taught using this model only incur charges for Waubonsee's $8 per credit hour student fee.
If no qualified instructor is available, high schools may choose to partner with Waubonsee to have a college adjunct faculty member teach the dual credit course on site at the high school. With this model, the costs are billed to include full tuition and fees for each registered student.
Below are some commonly offered IAI transferable dual credit courses.
Non-IAI Transferable Dual Credit Courses
Students who earn a grade of C or better will have a Waubonsee College transcript. These courses may not transfer to other colleges right away, but they can be used to earn a Waubonsee degree that will transfer.
Each course must align with Waubonsee's curriculum and use a predetermined textbook chosen by the college. All potential courses can be found in the course catalog; scroll down to see a list of some common courses.
High schools may provide an in-house instructor to teach a course as long as the instructor meets the same qualifications as an adjunct faculty member on Waubonsee's campus. For most transfer-level courses, potential instructors must possess a master's degree in the field of study or a master's degree in a related field, such as education, plus 18 hours of graduate coursework in the field of study. Some career and technology programs, such as auto, welding and computer-aided design, will approve instructors with proper training and experience in lieu of a master's degree. Dual credit classes taught using this model only incur charges for Waubonsee's $8 per credit hour student fee.
If no qualified instructor is available, high schools may choose to partner with Waubonsee to have a college adjunct faculty member teach the dual credit course on site at the high school. With this model, the costs are billed to include full tuition and fees for each registered student.
Below are some commonly offered non-IAI transferable dual credit courses:
Articulated Courses
Articulated courses are managed through the Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES). VALEES creates articulated credit agreements with area schools that award college credit to students when learning experiences at the high school level of instruction duplicate those at the college level. Upon high school graduation, students may apply for articulated credit for classes where they earned a grade of a B or better. Credit is then applied upon enrollment in the college that has the agreement with the high school. Transferability is dependent upon the four-year college to which the student applies.
VALEES has articulated credit agreements with Waubonsee Community College, Joliet Junior College, Kishwaukee College and College of DuPage in the following areas:
- Accounting, Business, Marketing (WCC)
- Agriculture and Horticulture (JJC)
- Auto Technology and Auto Body (WCC)
- Building Trades (WCC)
- Clothing (COD)
- Computer Aided Drafting (WCC)
- Computer Technology (WCC)
- Culinary Arts (JJC)
- Early Childhood Education (WCC, KC)
- Graphic Arts (WCC)
- Health Occupations/EMT (WCC)
- Small Engines (KC)
- Welding (WCC)
For more information regarding articulated course agreements, please call VALEES at (630) 466-5736.