Our namesake scholarship honors Dr. Lucile Gustafson
Dr. Lucile Gustafson was a member of Waubonsee's original Board of Trustees. In recognition of her outstanding contributions to education and to the college, this scholarship was established and has been awarded since 1979. Recipients are selected from in-district high schools and vocational/career centers. Selection is based on scholastic achievement, leadership characteristics and citizenship characteristics. Recipients of this scholarship join a select group at Waubonsee Community College.
Number of Scholarships Awarded:
Each Waubonsee Community College district high school is eligible to receive a maximum of one scholarship for every 100 students in the graduating senior class at the start of the school year. For example, 1-99 seniors equals one potential scholarship, 100-199 seniors equals two potential scholarships, etc. Indian Valley Vocational Center and Fox Valley Career Center receive one scholarship each.
The Gustafson Scholarship covers the full cost of tuition and student fees for two academic years. Course fees and textbooks are not covered.
High school senior
Attend an in-district high school/in-district vocational center
3.0 or higher unweighted cumulative high school GPA
Demonstrate leadership qualities and citizenship characteristics
Recommendation from a reference (counselor, teacher, coach)
Application Requirements
Recommendation from a reference (counselor, teacher, coach)
Completed Gustafson qualification questions
Scholarship Requirements
To be a Lucile Gustafson Scholarship recipient is a great honor and one that should not be taken lightly. Recipients will be challenged as a Gustafson to not only serve their community and this college, but also to continue developing their leadership abilities. Gustafson Scholarship recipients are required to:
- Maintain full-time status at Waubonsee (minimum 12 hours per semester) for fall and spring semesters
- May enroll during the summer as desired
- Maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average
- Complete 24 credit hours by end of freshman year
- Complete 36 credit hours following fall semester of sophomore year
- Perform minimum of 20 hours of service per semester
- Complete a Leadership Studies course (grade of C or better) during freshman year
- Attend all leadership seminars in any given semester
- Remain in-district resident for the duration of the scholarship