Refunds for Tuition and Fees
Some tuition, fees and other costs can be refunded under certain circumstances and/or within specific time frames. The Student Accounts and Cashier Office can answer questions about specific situations.
Refunds for Credit Courses
Students must drop a course by the "Drop with Refund" deadline to receive a refund for tuition and fees. If a course is dropped by this deadline, it will not appear on the academic transcript. After this deadline, students may withdraw from a course until the "Last Day to Withdraw." However, no refund will be given for tuition and fees in the case of a withdrawal. In addition, a withdrawal notation will appear on the academic transcript. Students are advised to discuss the impact of withdrawing from courses with their advisor before making any registration changes.
If a student drops or withdraws from a course online, the change will take effect once the transaction is completed. For drops or withdrawal requests submitted by email, mail, or fax, the effective date is the date the request is received on the Change of Enrollment Form or, for mailed forms, the postmarked date of the Change of Enrollment Form.
Students who are not actively attending or pursuing course objectives as established by their instructors may be withdrawn. These would include students who register for courses and never attend. In these cases, students will be withdrawn and will not receive a refund. If the college cancels a course, students will receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
Please be sure to review the Registration, Refund, and Withdrawal dates, which are provided below.
Registration, Refund & Withdrawal Dates (PDFs):
Refunds for Noncredit Courses
- If a course or program is canceled by the College, the student will receive a 100% refund of course fees.
- A student who withdraws from a noncredit course or program four or more days prior to the start date will receive a 100% refund of course fees.
- A student who withdraws from a noncredit course or program less than four days before the first class meeting will not receive a refund of course fees.
Tuition Refunds Due to Hardship
The college recognizes that students may face hardship or other extenuating circumstances that may hinder attendance and/or academic performance. These circumstances may sometimes lead students to consider withdrawing from classes. Students are encouraged to discuss the impact of withdrawing from courses with their advisor before making any registration adjustments. Please note that the Emergency Needs Scholarship Fund is available to assist currently enrolled students who experience an unusual or unexpected emergency.
Students who decide to withdraw from courses because of hardship may request a refund by submitting the Student Account Appeal along with supporting documentation. The submission of this form does not automatically result in a refund. Appeals may take up to 4 weeks to be reviewed and decided by the Student Account Appeals Committee. Students are notified of the decision through their Waubonsee email.
Please note: students should have withdrawn from courses prior to the submission of the appeal. If it's beyond the withdrawal deadline, students may contact their instructor to request a W notation in place of a final grade.
Types of hardships shall include but are not limited to:
- Student health-related circumstances (includes a serious injury/illness, mental health condition, chronic illness, etc.)
- Health-related circumstances of an immediate family member where the student is a part-time or full-time caretaker
- Death of an immediate family member (parent, child, spouse/partner, sibling or grandparent)
- Military Deployment
- Sudden or consistent lack of transportation
- A significant cost of living increase
Contact Us
Student Accounts and Cashier Office
Sugar Grove Campus
Student Center, Second Floor
(630) 466-5705
Please see our current available hours in the Services Directory.
Note: for student privacy reasons, if you are sending an email with specific questions about your account, please use your Waubonsee student email through mywcc, if you have one set up.
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Need assistance with making a payment, enrolling in a payment plan, or tuition & fees? Ask the Student Accounts and Cashier Office. We can help!