Course Cost

Semester: Summer 2024
Credit Hours: 3.0
Some sections may include additional fees
Learn more about residency, cost and payments
Summer 2024
Prereq or Coreq required

In this course, students will learn to articulate how estate planning organizes tax systems and documents to protect client interests. This process includes evaluating probate and its alternatives for efficient client interest distribution, while facilitating clear communication with clients and third parties to align with their expectations. Students will draft key documents, such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. Additionally, students will prepare administrative documents to ensure compliance with relevant laws and alignment with the individual's intentions.

Prereq: PLG110.

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Course Location


Instruction occurs exclusively online, through the Canvas learning management system, for the duration of the course. Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous manner, which means that students learn from instruction, such as prerecorded video lessons and assigned learning tasks, that is not delivered in-person or in real-time.

Holloman, Paloma View
Meets between: June 10-Aug. 2