Additional Offerings
This course is also offered during the semesters listed above.

Course Cost

Semester: Spring 2025
Credit Hours: 4.0
Some sections may include additional fees
Learn more about residency, cost and payments
Spring 2025

This course covers basic concepts and techniques of matrix theory and linear algebra. It includes systems of linear equations, operations with matrices, inverses, determinants, vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Numerical iterative methods are discussed and formal proof constructions are stressed. Prereq, C or better in MTH233

IAI: MTH 911

Status Days Times Location Instructor Books / Materials Ticket # CRN
Reg Closed MW 9:30am-11:10am
Course Location

Sugar Grove Campus, Bodie Hall, Room 244

Sugar Grove Campus
Waubonsee Community College
Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9454
(630) 466-7900

Kifowit, Dr. Steve View

This course uses Open Educational Resources (OER) instead of traditional textbooks, so there is no cost for course materials. Your instructor will provide direct access to all required materials through the course syllabus or on Canvas.