Course Cost

Semester: Not Currently Scheduled
Credit Hours: 3.5
Some sections may include additional fees
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Not Currently Scheduled

This course is designed to instruct the medical assistant student in the routine clinical procedures of the medical office. Students are taught Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and the use of Standard Precautions in the medical office. Proficiency is obtained in taking vital signs, collecting patient information and proper documentation. The student is taught body positions for examinations, methods of examinations, assisting with specialty examinations, bandaging, aseptic technique and disinfection, sanitization and sterilization of medical instruments. Review of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology along with basic pathophysiology will be covered. An introduction of capillary puncture is introduced in order to assist the primary health care provider in the medical setting.

Prereq, Program admission