Course Cost

Semester: Fall 2024
Credit Hours: 3.0
Some sections may include additional fees
Learn more about residency, cost and payments
Fall 2024

This course examines the basic principles of geology from a physical and historical perspective. It includes such topics as the formation of rocks and minerals; internal and external processes modifying the earth's surface and other natural phenomena; and the evolutionary history of the earth, including its life forms and continents.

Note: Students enrolling in GLG100 are not required to enroll in GLG101 (lab). However, those students needing a 4 semester-hour lab science for transfer purposes may wish to concurrently enroll in GLG100 and GLG101.

IAI: P1 907

Status Days Times Location Instructor Books / Materials Ticket # CRN
Reg Closed -
Course Location


Instruction occurs exclusively online, through the Canvas learning management system, for the duration of the course. Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous manner, which means that students learn from instruction, such as prerecorded video lessons and assigned learning tasks, that is not delivered in-person or in real-time.

Voorhees, David View

This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 88.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.