Course Cost

Semester: Not Currently Scheduled
Credit Hours: 4.0
Some sections may include additional fees
Learn more about residency, cost and payments
Not Currently Scheduled

This course provides partial training toward Advanced Technician Firefighter Certification and instructs Basic Operations Firefighter students in advanced firefighting techniques. Content for this course includes Fire department incident command system, advanced fire suppression, advanced fire behavior, vehicle rescue and extrication, assisting special rescue teams, fire detection, suppression and smoke control systems, Fire and life safety initiatives, fire origin and cause, advanced ladders and ventilation techniques. Successful completion of this course, practical completion and passage of the state written exam along with other required Office of the State Fire Marshal courses leads to Office of the State Fire Marshal Certification as an Advanced Technician Firefighter.

Note: This course meets at an off-site location. This course meets on 2 Saturdays as noted on schedule.

Prereq, C or better in FSC105 and FSC115, C or better in FSC 118 or concurrent enrollment, or Basic Operations Firefighter Certification