Additional Offerings
This course is also offered during the semesters listed above.

Course Cost

Semester: Spring 2025
Credit Hours: 4.0
Some sections may include additional fees
Learn more about residency, cost and payments
Spring 2025

This course fully integrates reading and writing and offers additional academic support. The course will facilitate students' academic learning experiences expected in college-level classes as they develop academic reading skills such as determining the explicit meaning of a text, making logical inferences from a text, and citing specific textual evidence in analytical writing. Writing skills such as composing texts that demonstrate reading comprehension, a clear focus, logically developed ideas, evidence from reading as support, and use of appropriate language that advances the writer's purpose will be emphasized. Student success strategies such as time management are also covered. Prereq, C or better in ENG075 or ENG080 or placement by appropriate scores on reading and writing tests

Status Days Times Location Instructor Books / Materials Ticket # CRN
Reg Closed M 8:00am-10:15am
Course Location

Sugar Grove Campus, Academic and Professional Ctr, Room 145A

Sugar Grove Campus
Waubonsee Community College
Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9454
(630) 466-7900

Lindquist, Michelle View

A blend of face-to-face class meetings in a traditional classroom and online. Required face-to-face class meetings are: Mondays, 8:00 am - 10:15 am.

Reg Closed T 8:00am-10:15am
Course Location

Sugar Grove Campus, Academic and Professional Ctr, Room 145A

Sugar Grove Campus
Waubonsee Community College
Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9454
(630) 466-7900

Lindquist, Michelle View

A blend of face-to-face class meetings in a traditional classroom and online. Required face-to-face class meetings are: Tuesdays, 8:00 am - 10:15 am.

Reg Closed W 8:00am-10:15am
Course Location

Aurora Downtown, Room 314

Aurora Downtown Campus
Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River St.
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Praxmarer, Bret View

A blend of face-to-face class meetings in a traditional classroom and online. Required face-to-face class meetings are: Wednesday, 8:00 am - 10:15 am. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed TTh 9:30am-11:45am
Course Location

Aurora Downtown, Room 314

Aurora Downtown Campus
Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River St.
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Praxmarer, Bret View

Required face-to-face class meetings are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:45 am. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed T 9:30am-11:45am
Course Location

Sync Online

Sync Online courses are a combination of course instruction and student participation occurring synchronously online through a video conferencing platform (such as Zoom) on the scheduled days and times for the course. This allows students to engage with faculty and peers in real-time. Instruction can also occur Online (asynchronously), through Canvas.

Mason, John View

Classes meet on regularly scheduled days and times via Zoom. Required class meetings are on Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:45 am. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed MW 11:00am-1:15pm
Course Location

Aurora Downtown, Room 342

Aurora Downtown Campus
Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River St.
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Boni, Alexis View

Flex classes are delivered face-to-face on campus, streamed live and recorded. Students can choose to attend in person, attend remotely or watch the recorded session later. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed MW 12:30pm-2:45pm
Course Location

Sugar Grove Campus, Bodie Hall, Room 213

Sugar Grove Campus
Waubonsee Community College
Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9454
(630) 466-7900

Mattern, Joshua View

Required face-to-face class meetings are Mondays & Wednesdays, 12:30 - 2:45 pm. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 37.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed M 12:30pm-2:45pm
Course Location

Aurora Downtown, Room 441

Aurora Downtown Campus
Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River St.
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Berger, Katie View

Flex classes are delivered face-to-face on campus, streamed live and recorded. Students can choose to attend in person, attend remotely or watch the recorded session later. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed MW 3:30pm-5:45pm
Course Location

Sugar Grove Campus, Academic and Professional Ctr, Room 165

Sugar Grove Campus
Waubonsee Community College
Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554-9454
(630) 466-7900

Zajac-Frazee, Karen View

Flex classes are delivered face-to-face on campus, streamed live and recorded. Students can choose to attend in person, attend remotely or watch the recorded session later. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed TTh 3:30pm-6:20pm
Course Location

Aurora Downtown, Room 220

Aurora Downtown Campus
Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River St.
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Lee-Gordon, Angela View
Meets between: Feb. 17-May 16

Required face-to-face class meetings are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30 - 6:20 pm. This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 50.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed -
Course Location


Instruction occurs exclusively online, through the Canvas learning management system, for the duration of the course. Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous manner, which means that students learn from instruction, such as prerecorded video lessons and assigned learning tasks, that is not delivered in-person or in real-time.

Mattern, Joshua View

This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 37.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.

Reg Closed -
Course Location


Instruction occurs exclusively online, through the Canvas learning management system, for the duration of the course. Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous manner, which means that students learn from instruction, such as prerecorded video lessons and assigned learning tasks, that is not delivered in-person or in real-time.

Mattern, Joshua View

This course is part of the MyMaterials (Inclusive Access) program. When you register, you will pay a 37.00 fee, which grants you access to the right course materials at the lowest price.