portrait of James Magara and fellow honorees
James Magara (far right) with fellow honorees of the Central Michigan University Pioneer Broadcast Award.
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James Magara, Waubonsee Community College Education Television and Video Production Manager, was recently honored with a Pioneer Broadcast Award from his alma mater, Central Michigan University (CMU).

Magara was one of five people to receive the recognition from the Department of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts at CMU. It celebrates the 40th anniversary of his graduation from the university, as well as his career achievements in the industry.

The university started bestowing the award three years ago, as a salute to longstanding alumni of their Broadcast and Cinematic Arts program.

The award was presented last month at the annual CMU Broadcast and Cinematic Arts Awards Banquet.  Over 200 people, comprised of CMU faculty, staff and students, attended.

“For me this was a tremendous honor to be recognized by the BCA department and by CMU,” Magara said, adding he was able to visit with faculty and tour the radio and television studios where he worked as a student, and visit the TV Newsroom of News Central 34, which didn't exist when he was a student.

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