Admission to the Waubonsee Honors Program requires verification and approval of all applications following the criteria below. Required diplomas, transcripts and test scores must be on file in Registration and Records to verify eligibility for participation in the Honors Program prior to submitting this application. Honors program project contracts must be submitted by September 15 for the fall Semester and February 15 for the spring Semester.



Students Entering College for the First Time:

  • Are required to have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Must have an ACT composite score of 25 or higher, OR have an SAT composite score of 1200 or higher, OR a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher.
  • May enroll for a maximum of two honors courses in the first semester of Honors Program participation.

Students with Existing College Credit:

  • Must have a minimum of 12 college transfer-level hours (including dual credit courses) from Waubonsee or another accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 3.50*
  • Must verify that this credit has been earned within the last five years;
  • May enroll for a maximum of two honors courses in the first semester of Honors Program Participation.

*(Note: credit for developmental course work is excluded from the 12 transfer-level hours/GPA 3.5 requirement; credits earned through AP, IB or CLEP are not calculated into the GPA and GPA is calculated for the prior five years only)
