Featured Student - Destiny Mitchell

Waubonsee Community College recognized the perseverance of student Destiny Mitchell, of Aurora, at its October board meeting for her determination to meet her career goals despite significant life challenges. 

Mitchell, a first-generation student who, due to past interpersonal experiences, has learned to be hyper-independent, enrolled at Waubonsee to pursue an Associate in General Science Studies with little guidance. At the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester, Mitchell desperately faced unstable housing and unemployment. She wondered, as a new student, if Waubonsee could do anything to help her turn her life around. Under her breath and with a new parking ticket in hand, Mitchell whispered a prayer, "God, can this day get any better?" as she entered the Aurora Downtown Campus.

"I was in so much distress," said Mitchell, recounting her experience. "I heard a voice greet me and ask if she could help me." A tired and hopeless Mitchell sarcastically waved her ticket and joked, "Can you help me pay this?" That's when the tone of the conversation changed. 

"I'd be happy to help you with that and more," said Jenny Becker, Financial Education Coordinator. 

Mitchell agreed to meet with Becker weekly and worked with her to create a plan for financial freedom. Mitchell applied for the Reach Higher Scholarship due to pandemic job loss and submitted a Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal for her reinstatement of financial assistance. In addition, Becker assisted Mitchell in applying for Medicaid to prevent future medical debt. The two worked together to gather extensive documentation to request medical debt forgiveness. 

Two semesters later, Mitchell effectively used the aid she received through financial aid and federal grants to pay off all her debts. She has been approved for Medicaid and has found new employment. Because of the financial counseling Mitchell received from Waubonsee's Money Matters Program, she has reported that her credit score has improved, and she is preparing to move into a home of her own. 

"Even though I got into a lot of trouble in high school, I always knew I wanted to go to college," said Mitchell. "I don't want to struggle later in life with a dead-end job."

Mitchell, who hopes to become a radiologist, has improved her grades and has taken advantage of all the resources Waubonsee offers, including free tutoring, individualized accommodations through the college's Access Center for Disability Resources, and assistance on how to navigate college through TRIO/Student Support Services. In addition, Mitchell has discovered a community of support through the InterVarsity Bible study group on campus. 

"I have taken advantage of everything I possibly could here at Waubonsee, and I'm better today because of it," said Mitchell.   

Becker, who has seen significant growth and development in Mitchell, believes she has defied every odd. “Destiny's story is a beautiful combination of persistence paired with support,” said Becker. “She has worked very hard to achieve success now, and she has learned the tools for continued success in her future."

Waubonsee congratulates Mitchell for her steadfastness and commitment to reaching her academic goals. To learn more about how Waubonsee prepares students to succeed in their future, visit waubonsee.edu/admissions

Pictured above (from left to right): Ms. Rebecca Oliver, Chair of the Board of Trustees; Jenny Becker, Financial Education Coordinator; Destiny Mitchell; Dr. Christine J. Sobek, President of Waubonsee Community College


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