The Waubonsee Community College Foundation will host its 37th annual golf outing fundraiser on Monday, September 16, 2024, beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Aurora Country Club. Proceeds from this event benefit the Waubonsee Foundation Scholarship Program.
The Foundation’s goal is to raise sufficient financial resources to provide scholarship opportunities and to equitably award those scholarships to students to help them achieve their educational goals. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Foundation provided 377 awards, but 598 scholarship applications were submitted. Participation in events like the golf outing will help bridge the gap to ensure all students get the financial support they need.
Event check-in begins at 10:30 a.m., followed by a lunch buffet and program featuring a student speaker, remarks from a Foundation Board Executive Committee member, and from Waubonsee’s president Dr. Brian Knetl. At 12:30 p.m., golfers will head out on the parkland-style course. The event will close with an awards reception at 5 p.m.
As always, the public is invited to support this fundraiser in a way that is most accessible. Sponsorship options begin at $438 – equal to the cost of one 3-credit hour class at Waubonsee. The cost to participate is $1,400 for a foursome. Registration includes 18 holes of golf, entry for on-course individual and team contests (longest putt, closest to the pin, longest drive, hole-in-one, overall lowest score for women, men, and mixed team categories), lunch, appetizers, and two drink tickets. A cash bar will also be available.
Please visit Waubonsee.edu/golfouting to register. To learn more about this and other Waubonsee Foundation initiatives, please contact the Development Office at (630) 466-2316 or foundation@waubonsee.edu.
Pictured above: A foursome of golfers participates in the 2023 Waubonsee Foundation Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser. Last year’s event raised almost $75,000 for student scholarships.