Portrait of Rich Kiefer
Rich Kiefer

On this Veterans Day, it is important to recognize the contributions of the individuals that have served our country in uniform. While the nation owes a deep gratitude to the men and women that have served in the military, it is important to also recognize that for many veterans, their service did not cease once they took off their uniforms. Many veterans have continued their public service by choosing to work in elected office. While many individuals currently serve in elected positions at the national, state, and local levels of government, it is still impressive to see some of these numbers.

For instance, of the 44 people that have served as President of the United States, 26 of them have had some form of military experience. Starting with George Washington (General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army) , and continuing up through George W. Bush (First Lieutenant, Texas Air National Guard), many of these individuals have also served in uniform. While the majority of past Presidents have served in the Army and Navy, many also have had experience in the reserves and various state militias.

While such Presidents as Washington, Jackson, Grant, and Eisenhower may be remembered for their military service prior to taking office, other individuals also served their country in a variety of capacities. Lesser known to many Americans, might be the service records of past leaders such as Thomas Jefferson (Colonel, Virginia Militia), Abraham Lincoln (Captain, Illinois Militia), John Kennedy (Lieutenant, U.S. Naval Reserve), Jimmy Carter (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), and Ronald Reagan (Captain, U.S. Army).

In addition, the current 116th Congress has 96 veterans serving, with 48 having military experience since the year 2000. Current Senators and House Members represent the following service branches: The Army, Army reserve, Army National Guard, the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, the Navy, Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard.

On this Veterans Day, remember to thank those individuals that have served our country in the past, and those that continue to serve our great nation to this day.


Sources of information:

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (http:www.va.gov)

The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents, William A. DeGregorio
