Portrait of President Dr. Christine Sobek
Christine J. Sobek, Ed.D.

Every year at this time, we are putting the finishing touches on the college’s Annual Report to the Community. This Report is one way that we demonstrate our accountability to the communities that we serve. The stories and information highlighted in the report share progress toward the goals of our Strategic Plan, provide fiscal year financial data, and most importantly celebrate individual and college successes. We hope that through these stories, we can help create and foster personal connections between you, our community members, and Waubonsee Community College, YOUR community college.

In looking back on the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020, the opening words of A Tale of Two Cities come to mind: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...” The last several months have felt like A Tale of Two Years.

Despite everything related to the coronavirus pandemic, Waubonsee’s students continued to succeed and excel. Students like Kenyon Helm who joined Waubonsee’s Transforming and Inspiring Undergraduate Men Pursuing Higher Education (TRIUMPH) Program, Roxana Garcia who was selected to study climate change in Estonia, and the students in The Hartford Apprenticeship Program who are on their way to rewarding careers in the insurance industry.

In addition to the many student successes, Waubonsee’s employees continued to excel, too. Dr. Aaron Lawler, Assistant Professor of Humanities, was named the college’s Outstanding Faculty Member and Maria Fisher, Adjunct Faculty - Adult Education, and Dr. Samantha Solecki, Adjunct Faculty - Mathematics and Sciences, were named the college’s Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Members for the year.

Of course, March is when the sudden shift in the Tale of Two Years happened. That is when students and employees quickly learned to function remotely and in a virtual learning environment. I am so proud of the work of the faculty members who adjusted courses, the staff members who supported this dramatic change, the donors who contributed to the Waubonsee Emergency Needs Fund, and the students whom we serve. It was a remarkable and historical experience and I am so grateful to everyone who worked so hard to help Waubonsee Community College continue to thrive.

I often say that Waubonsee is more than college; it is community college. The Annual Report to the Community tells the stories behind that statement. This year’s Report will be finished and published soon. I invite you to visit to read this year’s Tale of Two Years, as well as Reports from past years and to share in the accomplishments and pride of Waubonsee Community College, your community college.