With the outbreak of COVID-19, the last few weeks have been many things; sobering, stressful, historic to name a few. We have all been affected in some—or many ways—by the virus or the changes it has forced on us. Because of the ever-changing circumstances all around us, we’ve had to be even more innovative in our thinking. We’ve had challenges and issues that none of us have ever seen before.
As I wrote in a message last month, I have seen the Waubonsee community come together in remarkable ways during rapidly shifting developments in this unprecedented situation. Faculty members have adapted to alternative ways of teaching and all employees have adapted to finding new ways to provide services and accomplish tasks. As we all work together to reduce the spread of the coronavirus we are demonstrating and living the very definition of community: “a unified body of individuals….”
Given all of this, we are now in April, which is Community College Month. Community colleges have always provided the education and training necessary to support their community’s needs. Many of the people who are serving us so well in the fight against COVID-19 are nurses, health information technologists, therapists, doctors, and scientists who were educated at community colleges. I thank all of those individuals who are on the front line working to keep us healthy and safe. They have incredibly difficult jobs under even the best of circumstances.
Community colleges are integral to the communities they serve and perhaps that is true now more than ever. On behalf of Waubonsee Community College, I pledge that we stand ready to adapt and change to meet the new needs that our community will have as we continue to manage the effects of COVID-19 and work to build our path forward.