
Embrace the Joy of Learning Throughout the Year

When most people think about a traditional college education, memories of an inspiring professor come to mind, or a required English or speech class, as do studying, homework and participating in class discussions and group projects with fellow students. Fun may not always be the top-of-mind adjective many use to describe traditional education. However, learning is fun, and our Waubonsee faculty work hard to provide an engaging and exciting learning environment.

The act of discovery that accompanies learning can be thrilling, eye opening and even humorous. Hearing an obscure fact about one of our founding fathers creates a new sense of appreciation. Seeing a brilliant work of Renaissance art for the first time inspires awe. Reading the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. takes your breath away.

Our goal is for the joy of learning to permeate every classroom at Waubonsee Community College.  In addition to our college-level courses and programs, our Community Education department offers a wide variety of classes, programs and events grounded in educational principals and committed to offering lifelong learning for all.

Through Waubonsee’s Community Education classes, you can learn a new hobby such as jewelry making or ballroom dancing. You can explore the basics of digital photography and later put that new skill to use on trips to local sites or exotic, foreign destinations.

This spring you can connect with the dangerous occupation of Alaskan King Crab fishing as you learn from reality TV show stars of “The Deadliest Catch,” Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand when they visit Waubonsee on April 16. Or, if fictional danger is more your speed, on March 22 you can learn about New York Times best-selling suspense writer Raymond Benson’s experience writing official James Bond novels and film novelizations.

Other Waubonsee offerings include selling on eBay, home staging, couponing, retirement planning and beekeeping. Who doesn’t enjoy learning about, cooking and tasting good food? Classes this spring feature everything from Cooking 101 to Indian cooking basics to cake decorating. Children can also learn the lifelong joy associated with learning by taking art, music or science enrichment classes.

History, especially American history, is a passion for many. In March and April Waubonsee’s Community Education Department will mark the sesquicentennial of the Civil War with a series of programs that highlight the lesser-known, local connections to this critical period in our nation’s history. Even 150 years later, the Civil War’s impact resonates with its neighbor-against-neighbor, brother-against-brother struggle that resulted in a rebirth for the United States. 

Please take the time to explore the classes, programs and events offered through Waubonsee’s Community Education department. And, you can get tickets for most of the upcoming events at

No matter where you are in your life, learning offers you the chance to expand your perspectives and have fun in the process. We hope you take advantage of all Waubonsee has to offer.