Waubonsee and Title IX
Waubonsee is committed to the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, putting forth every effort to uphold the spirit of the law and promote the physical and emotional well-being of our community.
Waubonsee prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct (e.g., sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual harassment), relationship violence (e.g. dating and domestic violence) and stalking. These offenses are illegal and will not be tolerated.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Student Conduct and Education Coordinator
(630) 466-2588
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Assistant Provost of Student Services
(630) 466-2363
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Employee Relations Manager
(630) 466-2771

What to do as a Student
If you, or someone you care about is a victim of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct, you must know:
• It is NEVER your fault
• Support is available (see below)
• Medical exams are available to sexual assault victims at NO COST
• Confidentiality is available through Mutual Ground (see below)
• Individual accommodations may be made to ensure a safe learning environment
• To make a formal complaint, complete a Waubonsee Intervention Form (WIF) below
• Police (24/7) for Emergencies: 9-1-1
• Campus Police: (630) 466-2552
• Waubonsee Counselors: (630) 466-2361
• Waubonsee Title IX Coordinator: (630) 466-2367
• Waubonsee Student Talk Line (24/7): (630) 264-0394
• Mutual Ground “Confidential Advisor” Hotline (24/7): (630) 897-0080

What to do as an Employee
“I am a Mandatory Reporter. If harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct are shared with me, I am required to report the information to the college.”
When a student seems troubled:
• Be supportive
• Provide resource information (see below)
• Offer to call or walk the student to Counseling when possible
If a disclosure is made:
• Do all of the above AND complete a Waubonsee Intervention Form (WIF) within 24 hours
• When in doubt…REPORT
• Police (24/7) for Emergencies: 9-1-1
• Campus Police: (630) 466-2552
• Waubonsee Counselors: (630) 466-2361
• Waubonsee Title IX Coordinator: (630) 466-2367
• Waubonsee Student Talk Line (24/7): (630) 264-0394
• Mutual Ground “Confidential Advisor” Hotline (24/7): (630) 897-0080
How to Report Sexual Misconduct
Reporting is easily done by filling out the Formal Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, ADA/Section 504 or Sexual Misconduct Report.
Complete the Sex Discrimination, Sex-Based Harassment or Retaliation Form
Complete the Formal Discrimination or Retaliation or ADA/Section 504 Misconduct Report
Reports will be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinators to determine next steps. We encourage any member of the community to file a report if they learn of a potential violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy.
Please note that Title IX Coordinators have limited confidentiality and are legally mandated to report in many instances. Please see Confidential Advisors if confidentiality is desired.