Aurora Downtown Campus

Waubonsee Community College
18 S. River Street
Aurora, IL 60506-4134
(630) 801-7900

Located in the heart of downtown Aurora, this 132,000-square-foot campus allows students to earn a complete associate degree at this one facility, along with accessing a wide array of student services.

Aurora Downtown Campus Open House

Tuesday, April 1

3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tours in English and Spanish
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Resource Fair
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tours in English and Spanish

Experience the campus and learn about our services. Visit the labs, library, Latinx Resource Center and more!

Important Information

Directions and Parking

location icon

View the Aurora Downtown Campus map.  Get directions, parking and public transportation information.

Directions and Parking

Campus Hours

Clock Icon

Click the link below for campus hours, as well as specific services.

Campus Hours

Educational Offerings

Open Book Icon

Our Aurora Downtown Campus offers several academic programs as well as Adult Education and student services.

Educational Offerings

Host an event


Hold your next meeting in our Multipurpose Room.

Event Room