Logging Into mywcc
What is my user ID or X-number?
What is my password?
How do I choose a strong password?
What if I don't know or forget my X-number?
What if I don't know or forget my password?
Online Registration
What is Waubonsee Community College Self-Service?
What is the Web address for Waubonsee Community College Self-Service?
What is available in Waubonsee Community College Self-Service?
When is Waubonsee Community College Self-Service available?
Who can use Waubonsee Community College Self-Service?
What if I don't have a computer?
Online Payment
Can I assign someone else access to my student account so they can make payments?
Why do I have to log in again to make a payment?
Do I have a Waubonsee email account?
What is my Waubonsee email address?
How do I forward my Waubonsee email to another email address?
How do I use my own mail client to view my Waubonsee email?
How do I access my Waubonsee email from my mobile device?