Programming for Everyone

Our mission is to promote social justice and create an inclusive college climate through awareness, education, and community engagement.

Whether you are a student, faculty, staff member or community member, your voice matters! There are many ways to get involved, be seen, and be heard.

Would You Like to Serve on a Cultural Programming Committee?  Let Us Know!

Indicate your interest in serving as a member of a cultural programming committee by sending an email to the college’s Senior Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator.

Email Dr. Marleigha Evans

Learn more about Cultural Events at Waubonsee:

Services Designed to Foster Belonging

Access Center
Access Center Student Counselor

Located at the Sugar Grove Campus

At the Access Center, we’re proud that all our service arrangements are customized for the individual needs of each student. The specialists in our office are personally engaged with students and provide a variety of services and support to registered Access Students.

  • Recommendations for academic accommodations
  • Assistive technology training
  • College success strategy workshop
  • Advocacy services
Latinx Resource Center (LRC)
Latinx Resource Center Mural

Located at the Aurora Downtown Campus

Waubonsee’s LRC is an identity based center that provides resources, support services, and educational experiences to support students’ academic and social success. We offer all students a place to belong and to learn more about Latinx cultures, heritage, and traditions.

TRIO/Student Support Services
Student and Tutor working together.

Located at the Sugar Grove Campus

The TRIO/SSS program provides intensive academic, career, financial literacy, tutoring and cultural outings, and motivates students to complete their degree. And since TRIO/Student Support Services is among the federally-funded TRIO programs, all services are provided at no cost.... which means participation is free!