How to Get Started

  1. Complete the pre-registration form.

    ¿Listo para comenzar? Después de que vea el video de la sesión informativa, usted necesitará enviar una solicitud para recibir su número de estudiante conocido como X-Number. Dele click aquí para la llenar el formulario en Español.
  2. You will receive an email from Waubonsee within 1-2 business days with your student ID number (called an X-Number) and a link to register for an upcoming placement test.
  3. Complete your placement test (approximately 3 hours).
  4. Attend your first day of class.

HSE Program Information

Waubonsee offers free instruction in math, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills to help adults prepare to earn a State of Illinois High School Diploma. Individuals must be 16 years of age or older and meet certain requirements to be eligible to enroll. We offer in-person classes at the Aurora Downtown and Plano campuses, as well as online. Our classes are available in the morning and evening. Additionally, we offer instruction in both English and Spanish. Classes begin in August, September, October, January, February and March.

Want Information about the GED® Test?

Placement Pencil

GED® Test and other high school equivalency exams
Waubonsee Community College is a testing site for the GED® exam. For more information about the GED® or how to schedule your exams, visit

Completion Ceremony

Graduation Cap Yellow

Waubonsee Community College hosts an annual recognition ceremony for all Adult Education students who have earned their State of Illinois High School Diploma for that year. Visit or call the Adult Education office at the Aurora Downtown Campus, Room 457, for more information.

Contact Us

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Adult Education
Aurora Downtown Campus, Room 457
(630) 966-4600

Our advisors and counselors are bilingual.